Health professionals can now earn education credits while they work
BMJ Best Practice now with CME/CPD tracking tool

BMJ Best Practice launches a CME/CPD tracking, reporting and accreditation tool
BMJ, 7 March 2016
BMJ, one of the world’s leading healthcare knowledge providers, announced today that its online decision support tool BMJ Best Practice now features a continuing medical education (CME/CPD) tracking, reporting and accreditation tool.
This means that health professionals can earn CME credits while they use BMJ Best Practice as part of their working day. CME forms an important part of a doctor’s appraisal and revalidation, and research shows that point of care tools are a substantial component of their learning activity. For example,
finding the answers to clinical questions or referring to the latest guidelines to make the right treatment decisions for their patients.
By combining these two activities, BMJ Best Practice now enables doctors to fit learning effortlessly into their working day. The new tool automatically collates time spent learning on BMJ Best Practice that users can review and download as certificates. Users can also reflect on their learning activity and the impact it has had on their practice in preparation for their appraisal and subsequent revalidation.
BMJ Best Practice gives healthcare professionals fast and easy access to the latest information when making diagnosis and treatment decisions.
Updated daily, it draws on the latest evidence-based research, guidelines and expert opinion to offer step-by-step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention. A recent independent review of clinical decision support tools published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research1 ranked BMJ Best Practice equal first for breadth of disease coverage, editorial quality, and evidence-based methodology.
Matthew Harker, Director, Evidence Centre at BMJ said: “These new CME features enable us to fulfill a long held ambition - to help users automatically track and record their activities on BMJ Best Practice for the purposes of their learning. Not only does this demonstrate that they are putting the latest
evidence into practice, it shows how healthcare professionals are supporting wider strategic initiatives to deliver better patient care.”
Notes to Editors:
1 Providing Doctors With High-Quality Information: An Updated
Evaluation of Web-Based Point-of-Care Information Summaries
Journal of Medical Internet Research Vol 18, No 1 (2016): January
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